Phoenix Among Men Chapter 2065

“Chen Ping?” Shi Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly lit up, “I think I’ve heard of this name, it’s that kid who is particularly arrogant in the martial world nowadays and seems to have wiped out the Kyoto Martial Alliance!”

Because the Hundred Refinement Pavilion did not deal much with the martial arts world, so Shi Yan knew very little about Chen Ping, and even less about the fact that the Demon Heart Sect was behind the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance!

Ning Zhi visibly twitched hard inside when he heard Shi Yan talking about Chen Ping wiping out the Martial Dao Alliance!

“Yes, this is the man, he has some grudges against our Demonheart Sect, so we hope that the Hundred Refinements Pavilion can help us catch him!”

Ning Zhi nodded his head!

“Don’t worry about that, do you really think that our Hundred Refinements Pavilion’s Heavenly Opportunity Order is something that anyone can borrow.”

“Besides, if you want to catch him, I can help, except that after catching that Chen Pingzhi, I don’t want word of this to get out. ”

“After all, we at the Hundred Refinements Pavilion are in business and don’t want to get involved in your so-called secret realm battles!”

Shi Yan said to Ning Zhi.

The reason why the Hundred Refinement Pavilion could exist in peace was because the Hundred Refinement Pavilion only refined weapons for sale and did not get involved in battles!

Moreover, the Hundred Refinement Pavilion had a magic weapon in its hands that made all the mysterious realms fearful, and that was the Heaven’s Chance Order!

Because with the Heavenly Chance Decree, it can open the entrance to any secret realm, no secret realm dares to follow the Hundred Refinement Pavilion as an enemy!

If the Hundred Refinement Pavilion were to give the Heavenly Opportunity Decree to a rival secret realm, it would be a loss that would not be worth it!

“Young Pavilion Master, don’t worry, no one will know about this matter except you and I. There is no way that Chen Ping will leave our Demon Heart Sect alive.”

Ning Zhi a*sured Shi Yan.

“That’s best, I promise you!”

Shi Yan said with a faint smile!

Seeing Shi Yan’s promise, Ning Zhi was also excited inside, as long as Chen Ping dared to come to the Hundred Refinements Pavilion, then he would definitely not be able to get away!

Just then, a member of the Hundred Refinements Pavilion came up and said to Shi Yan, “Eldest Young Master, there are two more people outside the door asking to see you.”

“These few days really don’t let me f*cking worry, people come to see weapons all day long, it’s annoying ……”

Shi Yan was full of displeasure, then asked, “Who are the people who came? If it’s not important, let them go away, I don’t have time to receive them.”

“Eldest Young Master, that man said that he was called Chen Ping ……”

That Hundred Refinements Pavilion member said.

As soon as the words left their mouths, Shi Yan and Ning Zhi all froze, not expecting that when they said Cao Cao, Cao Cao would arrive!

“Quickly invite them in ……”

Shi Yan commanded.

Just as that Hundred Refinements Pavilion member went to invite Chen Ping and the others, Shi Yan told Ning Zhi to hide.

At this moment, Chen Ping and Hu Pazi, who were at the entrance, looked at the majestic doorway of the Hundred Refinement Pavilion and the dragon and tiger sculptures on both sides, and could not help but sigh!

“Using two magic weapons to guard the gate, this Hundred Refinement Pavilion is really a big deal.”

Pocky Hu’s eyes were filled with shock as he looked at the dragon and tiger sculptures in front of him!

“Two of you, please enter ……”

At this time, a member of the Hundred Refinement Pavilion came up and said to Chen Ping and Hu Pocky!

Chen Ping followed Pocky Hu into the Hundred Refinements Pavilion!

Upon entering a hall, both Chen Ping and Hu Puzi were stunned by the sight before them.

Directly around them were all the magic weapons that had been placed, all kinds of magic weapons!

There were all kinds of magic weapons, making Hu Ma Zi a little dazzled!

Chen Ping swept a glance at those magic weapons and found that although there were many varieties of magic weapons here, there were very few of those top quality magic weapons, they were all very ordinary magic weapons!

“Two, are you here to buy magic weapons?”

At this moment, Shi Yan walked out and asked Chen Ping and Hu Ma Zi.

“We are not here to buy magic weapons, we are here to borrow one thing from Pavilion Master Shi.”

Chen Ping said politely, “May I ask who you are?”

“My name is Shi Yan, and the Hundred Refinements Pavilion Master is my father.”

Shi Yan introduced himself!